About Woven in His Love

Produced by the Metropolis of Atlanta's Family Life Ministry, Woven in His Love is an effort to create interactive books for the modern Orthodox Christian.

The newest book, One Good Thought, was written for individual and family reflection. Also written by Edna King, the co-author of Woven and Forged, One Good Thought is deep enough to inspire adults, but it’s family friendly, so you can also read them with kids.

Our original books are designed for the modern teenager and for use in a group environment, complete with free downloadable teaching guides which are found under the Facilitators tab at the top right of this page.


“Woven” was published in 2018 and is the first book of its kind in the Orthodox world. It caters towards the many challenges modern teenage girls face. With five main chapters and a sixth reflection-based chapter, “Woven” discusses topics such as creation, emotions, self-image, social media usage, friendship, and relationships. Each chapter is in full color and interactive featuring illustrations, journaling opportunities, activities, discussions, and relations back to scripture and the lives of the saints.


Riding the success of “Woven” the team sought to produce a similar experience for teenage boys. Work on “Forged” began in 2019, with significant effort to bring the same material to our young men. Published in Fall 2021, “Forged” is now available for purchase and provides a different take on the same content that made “Woven” all it was.
